segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2020


 You say that nothing lasts forever 

I say that nothing is in vain

After seeing us togheter

The World will never be the same

We bound trough love

Understanding each other pain 

I carry your feelings in my hearth 

Your constant tough in my brain

Like we were meant to meet from the start 

Like we been blessed and watched by a star

You are my muse, my poetry, my art

Imagining we would come so far

So fast.. I imagine breakfast in your bed and a kiss to wake up

You are beautiful as you are

You know Daddy will only mess your make-up

Nothing lasts forever...

I don't wanna lose time fearing a break up

Because it this is a dream don't let me wake up

If this is reality I don't want to fall asleep

You are mine, to care, to love

To mark, to keep

I had forgotten what was hope 

Untill I saw the light of your eyes

I forgot what truth was like

Untill you showed me a world with no lies

Our name written on our bodies, on the bark of a tree, in the skies

I will reach for you when you need me

Under the rain, walking for miles

I'm the chains that set you free

I know kitten never meet anyone crazier

But I'm this crazy for you too

All Daddy want is to see you smille

To see you again dreaming

The past as passed

This is a new beginning 

Whatever happens , I'm here to hug you, to understand

We can fight the world togheter

Calm baby, daddy will hold your hand

sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2020

Daddy's Lust

 Intoxicated... Lost in lust for and with you...

A smile on my lips, your name on my hips, on my chest, near my heart...

Feeling deep inside my cells that you are poetry, we are art, the part that was missing. I drink between your legs as if it was the holy grail, clenching the thirst for eternity, I can defeat an army single-handed, if I have you with me, holding my other hand. 

Before you I stand, marked by the one I own, owned by the one I've marked. We have already walked so far, same way we just getting started. I lost myself in you...I found myself in you, same way I destroy and rebuild you under my artificer touch... 

The clock goes tic toc and I get mad... Because with each tic gets closer the time to leave for work and I crave you so bad.

With each toc I get a step closer to the door...and all I want is getting back to bed, both of us naked as before... I want to fuck you...make love to you till you can't move, until you forget what it was before... 

Then making you rest in my arms, before I have you some more. 

I want you to melt with me inside you, with you riding my face...

I want to cum inside you... On top of you..

In your mouth...all over the place.

We fuck each other like demons...just for after we love each other like gods..

We brake the natural balance and the planet rotation as our attraction is stronger than the earth and the moon...

I want to hold your hand on a walk in the park in the morning... And to mark my hand on your ass by the noon... 

I want to fuck you like no one before... Or after...could do. 

But I want to love you like no one could too.

terça-feira, 25 de agosto de 2020

The war within

 The war within ...

The dilemma sometimes rise in my chest

Because you are so perfect

And daddy wants to give you the best

My dark Dom side been so long surpress

That I don't realize how can releasing for you it can be

And all daddy want

It's his kitten to feel free

My love for you only raises more strong...each day

In my arms is where you belong

And where you are meant to stay

Sometimes my lips don't speak, but you understand what my eyes say

The more tigh I tie the knoots and put you to me...

The more relaxed you get...

And when I blindfold are free

The marks in your skin, from how rough daddy has been

Are proudfull memories of my princess

Making her feel like a queen

My fingers marked in your body, my theets in your shoulder, my lips in your neck

Made you teared when done, but cum same time...

Made your hearth beat faster

And your pretty eyes shine

Made worth your day

And you don't even try to hide them...

You feel good because daddy marked you

The marks you so proudfully display

How daddy tagged you mine

After drive you insane with foreplay 

How calm you felt asleep in my arms

After I released your ties , and the aftercare...

I know sometimes I'm not there to hug you

And that's why I want to get you a teddy bear

A stuffie you can hug when day starts to scare

So you feel me there..

Even if I'm 1000miles away

A safehold to fall into the night

To give you the strengh to start a new day

To show and remember 

How much daddy wants you well

Just wish I could held it a bit

Just when i use my aftershave

So it would have my smell

terça-feira, 30 de junho de 2020

Daddy got a kitten

Daddy got a kitten

Should be just another day that he would walk the road. with his mind lost in the void, and his gentile eyes empty vague

Should be just another day, where she would hide on the dark corners of the street. Not trusting anybody to aproach. She wasn't a stray, but been long time since she run away her home, and she was to be free. She didn't needed a owner.

Should be just another day, untill their paths crossed. He stoped and kneel to reach for her...
And the little kitten, that would normaly run strait away, got driven to his open hand, like pulled by a magnet, her body moving on it's own .
Daddy wasn't looking for a kitten , he never had one. He was used to be alone in his own darkness, darkness that could only be matched by that little kitty empty and scared eyes.

He grabbed her on his strong and gentle hands... And she, that wanted only to be free... Start wanting something else. Her freedom was there... While being hold .
Their eyes got a little glimps of light, reflex of each other.

None of them was looking for the other. They were just surviving another day... But they founded what they needed, not knowing they needed.

Was to be just another day in the run, but the little kitty that though she want to be free forever... Now stares at her image in the mirror, happy with her collar daddy gave .

Was just to be another day in the dark... But now daddy gets this silly kitten crawling his legs, calling his attention , resting in his lap.
And he pets her while reading the poems he made for his little

Is this how you own a kitten?
Daddy never had one...

Is this how you get a home?
The little kitten didn't remember how it felt like to belong somewhere... But she felt she belongs right on those big hands that touches her body softly till her fall asleep.

And daddy's look at her playing again , so proud of her little kitten, and she looks almost as proud of her collar.

The little ears up in the air, messing the house hope, just searching by his attention, by the promissed punishment for the misbehaving. Waiting for the firm grip of his hands and the affirmative voice that makes her neck shiver...

Was just to be another day... But was the best birthday surprise daddy ever had

sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2020

Is this poetry?

Is this poetry?

Is it poetry?
The way I want to protect you with my wings
The way I want to make you smille
The way I want to hug you
Holding you so tight
That the fragments of your soul get back togheter

Is it poetry?
The way I feel
When I want to make you feel
How important you are
The way I feel important
When I make you feel happy
The way I get happy
When I make you feel important

Sounds like poetry
The sound of your giggle
And you smell like poetry to

I don't know what is like to touch poetry
But I believe it feels the same as touching your face
Playing with your hair between my fingers

Is it poetry?
Wanting to become a dream walker
To walk in your dreams and be togheter with you?
Or turning into an incubbus
And turn your lust into dreams

What's the color of a poem?
I'm sure it looks like the color of your eyes
Blended with the tone of your skin when you blush
To the touch of my fingers over your lips
Your hair is poetry
Every string are as a line, a poem fragmented in little bits

I don't know if this is poetry
Or if I have a problem

Is this poetry? Not sure...
But you are surely a poem

segunda-feira, 22 de junho de 2020

Pequena Nutria

En un mundo lleno de falsidad
No dejes q el mundo te cambie
Sigue sendo la luz q brilla en la oscuridad
La voz dulce q acalma la tempestad
Jugueton, como una nutria
Por vezes tudo va mal
Pero sabes q manana sera un mejor dia

Y se te perdes en ti misma
Te reencontras cerca de un rio
Como se la agua q lo llena
Pudera llenar el vazio
Pues sonrei
Tu sonrisa es tu arma
Q mata la tristeza
Q suena al oyido como una nana

domingo, 21 de junho de 2020


Soy templario
La espada de dios
Quien viene a pelear
La guerra llega con tu último adiós.

De Hatvan a Daicheng
Nadie nos detiene
Azul y verde pintan el paisaje

Somos Caront, navegantes de la muerte.
Monedas en tus ojos para pagar el viaje

Vikingos de regreso a tu tierra
Querían la riqueza que le pertenece a Dios
Solo la muerte te espera en esta guerra

"Sal de tu casa, deja tu fe"
Pero un templario se arrodilla solo para rezar

Somos las plagas divinas
Los ángeles tocaron las trompetas
El suelo tiembla con la marcha de los templarios.

Valientes guerreros
Lobos solitarios
Tantas imitaciones
Pero sabes quienes son los verdaderos

Vemos miedo en tus ojos
En tus manos los temblores
Dios Vult,
Sangre y Honor
Rinde homenaje a los conquistadores


Because on my dreams I'm free
Free from the chain that don't let me fly
Free from the ideal everyone expect me to be
To chase the gold in the end of the rainbow
To chase the happiness
To go, no destination to go
My hearth will be my compass
I know I can be sensitive...
Fragile like a glass
But I'm resilient as well
Like a tiny tardigrade
Stronger than you can tell

You can't imagine how many times I fell
Up I'm up on my feet
Because that who don't quit
Cannot be defeated

I want to go on adventure
To find new world
A world where I belong
A world that allows me to smille
That don't judge me like I was wrong
I want a song for my life
I want all the colors of rainbow
Because everything around me looks so grey

I know the dark night will be replaced by a sunny day
This pain will fade
And all will be ok

Maybe I should

A soldier without his gun...
Without a mission
A soul lost, alone
Some times my life feels like fiction
I feel the friction of the years
Wearing my skin with one more scar
My eyes drops blood , not tears
The best of me died so far

I'm a demon, walking the shadow
No more more sorrow
Maybe all in me is dead
People look at my empty eyes
I can feel their dread
But I've been trough to many goodbyes
The ones that I love lay now in coffins under the ground

I walk this dark land
My steps don't make a sound
I don't have where to stay...where to stand
No body can understand
They don't want me around

Where do I belong?
I'm just a soldier without anyone to protect
Usless without a why to every beat of my hearth
A demon that everyones reject

Why do my hearth keep beating...
My eyes see in the darkness
But are blinded by the light
I'm a soldier without a war to fight
Without someone to risk for
Everyone want me far
Looked in a jail, close that door
Throw out the key
They don't want to ear my name
My figure they don't want to see

I'm a tiger , that no one can tame
My wings are black
As the flames that burns me from inside
Burning my hope, my strengh, my pride
My identity...who I'm now?
Where should I go?
Where can I stay...

My hearth wants to scream
No one want to ear what I got to say

So I sit here, in the water fall
This river that just was born
And runs
Even when nobody see
Even when nobody care
Even lost...
Even when they don't believe in it
It doesn't stop, keep running
Keep giving to drink to the trees
To the beasts that depend on him...

I wanted to be part of this river...
To be depended on...
That no one would ever fear...

Maybe I should drown...

quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2020

Little Wolf

From the darkness to grey
Lost In between
I know I need to make a change
But where do begin?
I hide in the void
The same void that hides in me
Only trapped In that darkness
I can set my mind free
The emptyness let me cry
I don't have to take, there's no one to see
Lost...wondering why
World could be so more special
Why can't I connect with others
Am I an extraterrestrial?

Like a wolf, lost without a pack
That roams looking for shelter
Lost on his own dark
Wishing it could be better

But let me make you a promiss little Wolfie
I will be there for you
You are welcome to my own darkness
I've been there too
My wings raised black
Burned by the pain
But I will protect your back
Make sure nothing is in vain

I'm an outcast too
I'm a guardian angel that felt from the sky
Allow me to protect you
At least allow me to try

quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2020


A nebelina

A nebelina invade a minha mente
E eu fico imóvel entre ela
Como quem espera D. Sebastião

Letargia e apatia tomam conta de mim
Talvez a minha poesia volte entre a nebelina também
Talvez volte por magia
Como o governo pensa que eu talvez vote

Pois tenho saudades de ser poeta.
Sem a poesia, os meus devaneios me tornam apenas um louco
Essa loucura, se não a tivesse perdido, faria de mim poeta

Poeta para admirar os pequenos detalhes
Enquanto fico entre esta nebelina que nada me deixa ver
Poeta que filosófa entre assuntos
Sem se manter fiel a uma linha de pensamentos...

Poeta das alegrias, dos lamentos
Das palavras que rimam sem rimar
Da trémula centelha de luz entre a névoa
Dos que viaja sem sair do lugar

Mas são apenas devaneios, não são poemas, porque não sei da poesia...
E a energia para sair em busca está perdida também, quisá, junto com ela.
Por isso espero...perdido na minha mente
Entre pensamento incoerente, agarrado ao coração...que talvez ela chegue, como D.Sebastiao, entre a nebelina

quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2020

Já chove... E
já sopra vento
Como aliás já tantas outras coisas, a que nã
E talvez por não ligar,
sinta ou finja que não já...

Já sinto uma imensa vontade de voltar para o aconchego de onde sai
Já conto as horas,
ainda nem elas começaram a contar

 Tanta coisa já...e ainda há quem se pergunta e preocupe tanto com o "e se já... "
 E se podes fazer já, não deixes para amanhã Mas há jás de que não podes escapar
Porque afinal, se já foi Não há volta a dar